Eucalyptus essential oil is fresh, penetrating and aromatic.
Botanical Name:
Eucalyptus globulusLabille
Common Name:
Eucalyptus, Globulus
Plant Part:
Essential Oil
Blue Gum Tree, Stringy Bark Tree
Today eucalyptus essential oil is distilled not only in Australia and Tasmania but in Brazil, California, China, India, Portugal, Russia and Spain.
Botanical Description:
Very large evergreen tree with pale bark, long straplike leaves, white filamentous flowers and cup-shaped seed capsules.
Method of Extraction:
All eucalyptus oils are produced through steam distillation of the fresh leaves. The oil is clear and colorless to pale yellow.
Aroma Profile:
Eucalyptus has a fresh, powerful, camphoraceous and cineolic top note, and a diffusive, penetrating middle note. The dry out note is camphoraceous and less tenacious.
Major Constituents:
cineol, also known as eucalyptol
Common Adulterants:
Not usually adulterated.
Regulatory Status:
GRAS 182.20. FDA 121.1163
Aroma Benefits:
heat-building, warming, confidence building, encouraging, energizing, unblocking, vitalizing, bracing, clarifying, invigorating, cleansing, purifying, refreshing, soothing, mood-lifting, uplifting
Blends Well With:
rosemary, camphor, spike lavender, lavandin, lavender, clove, citrus, blends with wintergreen and german chamomile in a massage blend and with peppermint in an invigorating blend.
Safety Data:
Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.